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Enchanted Wellness

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Our Birth Story

Enchanted Wellness was birthed into existence after the heart breaking stillbirth of our first born son, Malakai Ra.

From this expansive experience our hearts were burst wide open & we arrived to a place of deeper commitment to walking on our dharmic path by serving our community.

As the powerful spirit of our beloved Malakai continues to guide our hands & hearts we are deeply humbled to be here in service to you offering the holistic tools & wisdom teachings we have found to be most transformative & nourishing throughout our lives.


Who We Are


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About Christian

From a young age I have always had a deep fascination with the inner workings of the human body. This led me to pursue a degree in Biochemistry from the University of New Mexico. After graduation I started on the path to working in the modern medical industrial complex as a research assistant. Shortly thereafter I discovered the healing power of subtle energy work in the form of Reiki which led me in a different direction to a more holistic approach to health & healing.

I became attuned as a Reiki Master in 2015 and have enjoyed exploring & sharing the healing power of my hands. Alongside Reiki a deeper practice for yoga began as I traveled around the world to attend and complete a series of yoga teacher trainings with the intention of deepening my own practice.

After years spent traveling to magical lands like Peru, Mexico, Bali, Hawaii & Japan, I was intrigued to see how other cultures provide self-healing & felt called to study some of these practices myself. I arrived back to my hometown in Albuquerque, New Mexico to study a variety of holistic healing practices at the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics including but not limited to:

Core, Polarity, Cranial Sacral, Acupressure, Swedish & Sports Massage, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbalism, & Flower Essence Remedies.

I am honored to have earned my Natural Therapeutic Specialist Certificate in February 2020 as the last class to be given this title due to the unexpected closure of the school.

I am ready to serve my community using the tools & teachings I have gathered over my lifetime as it is my hope that everyone has access to healing beyond imagination; for I truly believe that healing is one of our innate superpowers!


About Leticia

As a young girl I felt I had a big purpose to serve in this life & often stayed up late at night feeling a great weight of responsibility. It turns out wise little Leticia knew what lay ahead of her in the years to come.

In 2013 I traveled solo to Granada, Spain where I would live & study for the next 6 months. It was from this space of freedom & expansion that came through living abroad & traveling to many foreign countries that I awoke to how I truly wanted to spend my days.

Upon returning home I choose to abandon pursuing a college degree after 4 years of study at the University of New Mexico. I began to spend much more time devoted to deepening my yoga practice, a newfound love of mine & quickly decided to attend a yoga teacher training. Combining my love for yoga & travel I sought out a training which would take me to Hawaii in 2014.

As only good stories go nothing turned out as planned & the training was relocated to Santa Barbara, CA where I would spend the next 2 years living & working as a nanny to my Evolation yoga family’s young kids. During my time with Evolation I helped them open their flagship yoga studio where I taught a variety of classes & worked behind the scenes as their personal assistant to help run a series of local & international yoga teacher trainings.

Through my practice & teaching of yoga I traveled to beautiful lands all across the globe including Bali, Japan, Peru, Mexico, & Thailand to name a few as a teaching assistant in trainings & retreats.

After feeling a push to do something more I found the Debra Silverman Astrology school & attended all 3 levels over the course of 9 months in 2018. This deeper study of astrology gave me the tools & understanding to more fully embrace my own life’s purpose which now allows me to do the same for others.

I dedicated the next year preparing for motherhood working with master plant teachers, sitting in ceremony, & utilizing all my tools & teachings to do the deep shadow work in order to clear out the space in my mind, body & spirit to welcome a new soul in.

With my son growing in my womb I spent my 29th birth-day in Miami, FL amongst 50 other women lit up by the magic of both yoga & pregnancy completing the Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training as a gift to myself & the other mamas & babies I will come to serve.

May 8th 2020 was the day of my most profound initiation yet as I experienced the magic of giving birth while simultaneously greeting death as my beloved boy was born still.

I was guided to use the energy of his birth to transform my work in the world & utilize the space in my life I had created for motherhood to redirect to my path of serving women in pregnancy, birth, & as a guardian of grief.

From my own experience of pregnancy, birth & death I now hold a deep trust and reverence for ALL women, birth, and the unique path of each of our souls.

In the early days of postpartum cracked open by grief I once again felt the push to do something more. I immediately enrolled in the Radical Birth Keeper School as one of 49 other brave women embarking on the journey of answering the call to revolutionize birth & became a part of the legacy as the first graduating class of Radical Birth Keepers in August 2020.

With a new fire lit in my soul I am here to work with women who are ready to take radical responsibility for their mind, body, birth, & life by remembering how to listen to the wisdom of their womb throughout all seasons of womanhood.

As a wise woman guide I share powerful tools, practices, rituals, & ceremonies that have gotten me through my darkest of days & will give you the power to transmute your limiting beliefs and fears into trust, allowing for surrender into the mystery of life, death, & all of creation.