New Moon in Scorpio Nov 2020



This is a significant Portal of Transformation for me this year, for it was beneath the Scorpio full moon back in May that I found myself Journeying between worlds, doing the work to bring my beloved Malakai earthside. 

Though his physical body came through the portal & was born into the light of day after the moon had already shifted into fiery Sagittarius 🔥♐️ I feel that his spirit left from my womb in the dark of the previous night beneath the intensity of the Scorpionic full moon light 🌕🦂♏️ 

The wind outside thrashing & howling, breaking branches from the trees as I called upon Grandmother Moon to give me the strength to bring my baby down & out. I felt my Ancestors & all the Women & Mothers who have come before with me through each lightning bolt of intensity that coursed through my Womb as she beamed her brilliant Light down upon me.

I truly was traveling down into the underworld during my labor.

But this underworld I speak of wasn’t scary. 

It was Vast, Deep & Dark, 

Infinite in its Mysteries & Majesty 

PowerFull in its  Peace & Sanctity. 

The Divine Essence of the Sacred Feminine. 

The Eternal Womb from which all of Creation is Birthed from & Returns to. 

Such is the Divine Essence of Scorpio. 

Often Scorpios & their inevitable intensity get a bad rap as the focus seems to be on darkness doom & gloom. Without a doubt this is a big energy to carry & behold & there is great responsibility that comes with holding such Power of Infinite Darkness. 

But this is the Fruitful Darkness. 

Where Pain is Alchemized as a pathway into deeper Pleasure. 

Shadows revealed to become Light. 

Trauma Transmuted & Transformed into our deepest wellspring of Wisdom & Strength. 

We all know it is darkest before the light & collectively as One Human Family we are in the thick of dancing with our Shadows in order to bring the dawn of new Light. 

Dig deep. Lean in. Scorpio loves to push us to the wild edge of the unknown, stripping us down naked to be seen in our raw messy wild vulnerability & THAT is where we can be real in our Truth as the Magickal Mysterious Wild Infinite Beings we were born to be. 

We all wade within the deep dark waters of Scorpio at different places & to different degrees within our lives so take a moment to ask yourself, how is this energy showing up for me? 

I have always been one to tend toward staying on the lighter side of things in both word, thought, & deed, but now through my own Alchemical Transformation within the Fruitful Darkness I can see the beauty of going down into the depths of darkness. The riches that live there. As the wheel turns and as Saturn has returned for me the lessons have become clear. 

I am here to be a Teacher. 

A Wisdom Keeper.

🌙Keeper of the Sacred🌙

Through the potent experience of giving Birth to Death I am forever changed & completely Transformed. 

🕊🦋This is the Magic & the Medicine of Malakai Ra🦋🕊